Failure can be a step in the right direction if you make it so | Don't strive for perfection - it insinuates a limit | Exude positivity - one life changed is better than none | Practice genuine kindness - allow it to become a part of your identity ♡ Optimizing my potential as a student in order to serve others and contribute to the greater good

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Scapulohumeral Rhythm

Scapulohumeral rhythm allows the scapulothoracic (ST) and glenohumeral (GH) joints to work in concert in order to increase shoulder range of motion (ROM). The degree ratio for the shoulder, GH joint, and ST joint are 3:2:1, respectively. It is clinically important because proper functioning of the humeras and scapula as a unit permits the client to perform full shoulder ROM at an optimal level. It also allows for a favoral length-tension relationship thus preventing active insufficiency of GH muscles. Additionally, a discrepancy in scapulohumeral rhythm could lead to decreased scapulohumeral space yielding impingment. Another consequence of disparity is joint incongruency potentially causing a risk of shearing. Ultimately, this biomechanical property improves efficiency of movement. A client’s ability to perform full shoulder ROM is dependent on the synchronization of scapulohumeral rhythm.

~ Pam ♡

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