Failure can be a step in the right direction if you make it so | Don't strive for perfection - it insinuates a limit | Exude positivity - one life changed is better than none | Practice genuine kindness - allow it to become a part of your identity ♡ Optimizing my potential as a student in order to serve others and contribute to the greater good

Monday, August 26, 2019

Media Project Reflection

The most meaningful and significant thing I discovered from this media project was a creative part of myself that I didn't know ever existed. Posterboard projects have always been the bane of my existence! To take it a step further, we were challenged to create our own invention that could be used as a part of an OT intervention for a specific case study. The catch was that it was a mundane, everyday item which could not be used for its original purpose. How was I supposed to make a sriracha bottle fun, purposeful, and meaningful?! After brainstorming for what seemed like such a long time, it finally all came together. Through this, I discovered that anything can be used for OT. It is so easy to pick up an everyday object and consider only using it for what it is originally meant for. Through the lens of OT, it is up to us make the therapeutic process something that can be fun and enjoyable so that clients are more inclined to participate, learn, and receive effective treatment. Now I'm able to see everyday objects from a new perspective - one where there is an opportunity for a purposeful therapeutic activity anywhere. 

I was challenged, forced out of my comfort zone, and the outcome was growth. I never considered myself to be a creative person ("I'd rather write a 10-page paper!") and this really helped to strengthen my "OT brain". It allowed me to really and truly consider the client. What on earth could they possibly do with this that they would actually find enjoyable? It was easy for me to think of ways to manipulate the sriracha bottle for physical therapeutic purposes, but that was not the goal here. I needed to make it purposeful and meaningful. Ultimately, it encouraged a genuine, client-centered approach. I realize that I am able to be creative if I put forth the effort and as a result, become a more well-rounded individual, OT student, and future practitioner.

This project was a good introduction and first-time experience in developing a hypothetical intervention for a client that has both a means and an end. It helped me in becoming more familiar with the OT process and what it means and takes to be an OT. Seeing others' projects was very eye-opening, as well. Who knew that everyday items that we normally don't think twice about could be used in such a purposeful way? This just goes to show that OT can be for anybody with the ability to effectively use no/low-tech equipment and find the "just right" fit for someone. This assignment was an amazing opportunity to practice creativity which is essential as an OT. Going forward, and as I become more familiar with this process, I will be able to implement these skills in future classes and clinical practice.

~ Pam ♡

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