Failure can be a step in the right direction if you make it so | Don't strive for perfection - it insinuates a limit | Exude positivity - one life changed is better than none | Practice genuine kindness - allow it to become a part of your identity ♡ Optimizing my potential as a student in order to serve others and contribute to the greater good

Friday, September 11, 2020

Mock-Interview Reflection

Although it was a low-stakes, mock interview, I began feeling nervous beforehand. Regardless, I felt it went well, overall. Prior to the mock interview, I looked at the provided resources to see what kind of questions we could expect and prepare responses, in addition to some interview "tips and tricks". I took time to self-reflect on my strengths, weaknesses, and relevant personality traits and characteristics that I could potentially bring to a company at the assigned setting. The phrasing of some questions were unexpected. I was expecting the stereotypical "What are your strengths/weakness?", but would instead received a question similar to "If a mentor/professors was to describe you to me, what do you think they would say?". Otherwise, I think the structure of mock interview went mostly as one would expect. Something I would do differently in the future is look up questions that are different from what is typically asked and try to prepare for something different, just in case. The entire process was very helpful in providing a sort of simulation to a real life experience. We were given potential job sites and had to tailor our cover letters and resumes to the site, create a professional LinkedIn account, prepare for a job interview by reviewing the site's information, and sit for the interview. It was a good refresher for everything involved in the process now that we are about to transition into our fieldwork rotations and then OT practice after graduation.
- Pam ♡

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